Below you will find our most frequently asked questions.
We are the Marin County Management Employees Association that represents about 350 mid-managers and supervisors of Marin County. We have dues paying membership and our executive board is all voluntary from the membership.
MCMEA represents its employee members in negotiations with Marin County, which includes bargaining for salaries, fringe benefits, working conditions and employee/employer relations. Fringe includes medical, dental, vision, vacation, holidays and other leaves. MCMEA is also responsible for defending its members’ rights and has been actively involved in issues, such as securing FMLA rights for employees with special family medical needs, appropriate pay for supervisorial responsibilities and appropriate justification for and equality of the Reduction in Force process (RIFs).
Salaries are typically set by the median average of similar job class salaries in our comparable and agreed upon Bay Area Counties/Cities. Jurisdiction location, size and population compared to Marin and specific classification job duties are all considered in selecting comparable classifications for salary comparisons. Periodic Cost of Living (COLAs) adjustments are usually tied to the federally posted Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Bay Area Counties.
A supervisor’s salary should exceed their subordinate’s top step salary by 7%, excluding any bi-lingual differentials. If that’s not the case, contact your branch representative to have it investigated, documented and corrected. When comparing salaries, you should always compare step 5 to step 5.
Contact your branch representative, chief negotiator (currently Eric Swift) and other executive officers such as President, Vice Presidents, Secretary & Treasurer.
The MCMEA Board of Directors meets in open meetings (except for Grievance discussions) monthly at 20 N. San Pedro (usually the second Thursday of the month, ask your branch representative to attend and for the specific location) to discuss pertinent issues and developments.
A grievance is a statement that something in the organization is amiss and does not conform to appropriate practice. It will be evaluated through the steps described in the following question and resolved as best as possible.
It is critical to check with your Association representative quickly if you think your rights have been violated. Within 14 days of the incident alleged to have diminished your rights, you may file an informal grievance with your supervisor; following the informal process, if the issue is not resolved, you may within 7 days of the official informal grievance response, formally grieve to your department Head; and if still not resolved within another 7 days you may appeal to the County Administrator; and ultimately if not resolved you may appeal within 5 working days to the Personnel Commission or possibly an arbitrator. All of these steps are described within the MCMEA/Marin Collective Bargaining Agreement, under the grievance procedure, which you can find here.
You should contact a MCMEA representative to aid you in drafting any grievance, to assist in documenting the complaints. In addition, you should always bring a MCMEA representative with you during any informal or formal grievance procedure.
Ask / observe/ check the contract work to determine what the contractor is doing; compare that work to work previously done by MCMEA members. MCMEA bargained to protect its scope of work to ensure Reductions in Force would be minimized. If work is being done by a contactor that could otherwise be done by a MCMEA member, then our members’ jobs could be compromised.
Ask your supervisor what the meeting is about. If you have good reason to believe the meeting may be investigatory, is disciplinary or could potentially lead to discipline, you are entitled to representation and the County has to allow representation to be present. Even if your supervisor indicates this is not the case, if the meeting takes a turn and looks like it could be investigatory or could lead to discipline, you should invoke your Weingarten rights: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weingarten_Rights
You can click here to see a list of Branch representatives.
Ask your Branch representative or a general officer and we will coordinate your representation by another individual.
Working conditions are the physical and organizational conditions that you work under i.e. time of your shift, work location, physical conditions of the work location, company uniform if applicable, company vehicle if applicable, contact, and direction from supervisors, support staff to do your work.
To-date MCMEA has not contributed to any political causes. Any decision to do so will require a membership endorsement.