Board Info

Marin County Management Employee’s Association – is a non-profit employee Association governed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of representatives from seven branches and an Executive Board.

President Michelle Funez-Arteaga MCMEA Executive Board 13 Peter Behr Dr. 473-7202
1st VP James Villella MCMEA Executive Board 3240 Kerner Blvd 473-6864
2nd VP Miguel Garza MCMEA Executive Board 120 N Redwood Blvd 473-3509
Secretary Patti Silva MCMEA Executive Board Civic Center 473-2578
Treasurer Sarah Brown MCMEA Executive Board Los Gamos 473-3658
Branch 1 Rep Samie Bernier CDA, Library, Fire, P&O Civic Center 473-3302
Branch 1 Alt Miguel Garza CDA, Library, Fire, P&O 473-3509
Branch 2 Rep Brett Rhodes AWM, Assessor/recorders, Cultural svcs, DOF, HR, MCERA Civic Center 473-6875
Branch 2 Alt Sarah Brown AWM, Assessor/recorders, Cultural svcs, DOF, HR, MCERA Civic Center 473-3658
Branch 3 Rep Angelo Sacheli CSS, OCE, DA, Probation, Elections, IST, PD, Sheriff 120 N Redwood Blvd 663-8531
Branch 3 Alt John Aliotti CSS, OCE, DA, Probation, Elections, IST, PD, Sheriff 13 Peter Behr Dr. 473-6450
Branch 4 Rep Julia Barnes DPW N/A 473-7085
Branch 4 Alt Sean Cinelli DPW 473-7380
Branch 5 Rep Todd Paler HHS 250 Bon Air 473-2919
Branch 5 Alt Michelle Funez-Arteaga HHS 1 6th Street. Pt. Reyes 473-7202
Branch 6 Rep D’Angelo Paillet HHS 473-3521
Branch 6 Alt James Villella HHS 120 N Redwood Blvd 473-6864
Branch 7 Rep Carrie Sager HHS 10 NSP 473-7590
Branch 7 Alt Patti Silva HHS 473-2578

Grievance Committee: Michelle Funez-Arteaga, James Villella, Miguel Garza

Salary Survey Committee: James Villella, TBD

Membership Committee: Michelle Funez-Arteaga, John Aliotti

Health & Safety Committee: Vacant

Web/IT: John Alliotti

COLA Committee: MCMEA Board

Finance Committee: Michelle Funez-Arteaga, Sarah Brown

Negotiation Team: Michelle Funez-Arteaga, James Villella, Miguel Garza

Training Committee: Michelle Funez-Arteaga, D’Angelo Paillet

Revised 7/24/2024 - Download PDF version